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#idlerpg Freenode Join channel (client)
328 Welcome to #IdleRPG | Roleplaying IRC! | Website: | Register: /msg IdleBot REGISTER <char name> <password> <char class> | Login: /msg IdleBot LOGIN <char name> <password> | Logout: /msg IdleBot LOGOUT | Help/Chat: #IdleRPG-discuss | Offensive characters removed upon detection
#btn-idlerpg BTN Join channel (client)
135 [+mnrt] 12[ 144.:3#BTN-IdleRPG4:.12 ][ 6/msg IdleRPG REGISTER <char name> <password> <char class> 12][ Administrators: Racquet/appleeater12 ][ 4Read First:12 3 ][4 Web: http://btnidle.ignorelist.com12 ][ 20#BTN-IdleRPG.Chat For all IdleRPG12 ]
#idlerpg Undernet Join channel (client)
28 Multinet IdleRPG | Register: /msg idlerpg0 register <User> <Password> <Class> | WEB: | Help/Chat: #Discovery
##idlerpg Snoonet Join channel (client)
15 [+CFPTfjnrtx 5:60 30:5 5:1 10:4] IdleRPG || Discuss #idlerpg here! || Commands, map, quest, and player info here:
#idlerpg RezoSup Join channel (client)
13 [+nrt] IdleRPG reloaded! | To register, see game info:
#idlerpg Canternet Join channel (client)
13 [+PSmnt] Canternet's Idling channel! To join in, /msg IdleRPG REGISTER <char name> <password> <char class>. To login, /msg IdleRPG LOGIN <char name> <password>. For other commands,
#idlerpg Axon Join channel (client)
8 idlerpg game room -
#idlerpg ExChat Join channel (client)
8 idlerpg game room -
#IdleRPG TerraChat Join channel (client)
16 [+mntrP] Welcome to #IdleRPG, where the game is to Idle the most! Check out the site at
#IdleRPG AmigaBoing! Join channel (client)
8 [+ntr] 8,2 @ MillBro Chat: IdleRPG @  || Register: /msg IdleRPG REGISTER <> <pass> <char.class> || Login: /msg IdleRPG LOGIN <> <pass> || Alignment: /msg IdleRPG ALIGN <good/neutral/evil> || Game Rules: JUST IDLE! (Speaking/Join/Part=Penalty!) ||7,1 1st: Amiga600 (Amiga600) Level 101.
#idlerpg EvilNET Join channel (client)
22 Welcome to #idlerpg To Register: /msg EvilRPG REGISTER <char name> <password> <char class> | To Login: /msg EvilRPG LOGIN <char name> <password>
#idlerpg Chat4all Join channel (client)
9 [+mntrSC] 0,12#idleRPG, Chat4all's idle RPG game | You NEED to 9register0,2 to enter the game! | 9/msg IdleRPG HELP0,12 | Check for the manual 9
#idlerpg SlashNET Join channel (client)
5 [+mntrSCT] Welcome to #idlerpg, a classic IdleRPG game channel. | To login: /msg idlebot Login YourCharacterName Password | To register: /msg idlebot register YourCharacterName Password CharacterClass | for more info
#IdleRPG Abjects Join channel (client)
5 [+Rnrt] /msg idleRPG REGISTER <char name> <password> <char class> | Bot is online, you'll have to re-register
#IdleRPG DarkVoltage
5 [+FPjmnrt 3:5 3:5] 8,1Ϟ Ϟ Ϟ 15,1#IdleRPG 8,1Ϟ Ϟ Ϟ 15,1| DarkVoltage Idle Role-Playing Game | To register type: /msg IdleRPG REGISTER <char name> <password> <char class>
#idlerpg DareNET Join channel (client)
3 Idle RPG @ DareNET |
#idlerpg MyCooldude Join channel (client)
5 [+CFHPTfjnt 10:15 10:30 5:15 10:15] Welcome to the IdleRPG Channel, the point of the game is to register, idle, gain levels, etc. if you talk, change nicks, etc you get a Penalty, to register type ' /msg IdleRPG REGISTER <char name> <password> <class> ' (NOTE: bug cooldude if: 1. the bot 'IdleRPG' is offline 2. if you want your account to be deleted from IdleRPG, and 3. the website of has errors or if it seems that the page
#idlerpg ZAIRC Join channel (client)
3 [+CFLfjnrt 10:15 #multirpg 15:5 6:3] 7ZA10IRC1 IdleRPG Channel | Register: /msg IdleRPG REGISTER <char name> <password> <char class> | Login: /msg IdleRPG LOGIN <char name> <password> BTN Join channel (client)
92 [+Dmnrt] 1414#BTN-IdleRPG.Chat 12| 6/msg IdleRPG REGISTER <char name> <password> <char class> 12| 24Administrators: Racquet/appleeater12 | 4Read first:12 -> 3 | 20 | 20#BTN-IdleRPG for the IdleRPG Game 12| Game info: 9WEBSITE UP
#idlerpg P2P-NET Join channel (client)
32 [+mntr] 11| 7Rule 1: NO TALKING 11| 4To join in the fun /msg idlebot register <char name>(just use your nick) <password> <char class>(what ever you want, limit 30 chars) 11| 3More info see or #idlestats 11| 7Idlerpg will be restarting soon, just FYI