[+nt] Welcome to #voat, a channel for voat related talks | do drop by our other channels, like #lobby and #gaming. Type /join #help for network help
We are *not* the russian gaming league, they're #ref on QuakeNet -- Kraken is dead, long life Kraken
[+ntz] Pothole Studios Gaming Network. http://www.PotholeStudios.com Official IRC Channel.
cs 1.6 connect || https://gist.github.com/irungentoo/118c0c239501678edd45 || ora cmdline.org : 1234
[+mntr] G.C.M. /// A Channel for Gamers, Coders, or Gaming Coders! /// Programming with MS Paint http://i.imgur.com/QlGpd.gif /// On this day in 1947, John Bardeen and Walter Brattain demonstrated their new discovery, the transistor, at Bell Labs.
[+ntz] 5Welcome to my personal gaming IRC Channel. | Help comes to those who 5speak english. | Type /help before asking for help. | Ask 5before you PM anyone. | Don't ask to ask, just ask! | 5http://wolfs.sytes.net | The homebrew DSOrganize is now officialy DEAD since 2007!
Welcome to ##Nintendo || Nintendo gaming and help channel || Current Topic: Halloween Games || Bot Commands: http://x0.no/gk71 || If you want to chat and no one is around, feel free to highlight people, or type .qany to ask a random person a question
[+Pnt] Minecraft server coming soon until I can afford to get cheap and powerful servers for gaming
Welcome to the official BoilingSteam IRC Channel on Freenode! BoilingSteam is dedicated to supporting the world of Linux Gaming. You can find our news, reviews, podcasts and features on http://www.boilingsteam.com/
[+nrt] 'Place For Gaming & Chat Or Just If You've Been Bad | Game commands can be found on http://pastebin.com/XVyz71QX'
BAU's official IRC! Try to keep gaming discussion to this channel (so it doesn't clog up the main channel) | ▶ Space created | gondare pls | "You funny! I nerf you last." - SerB | demanrisu farts in your general direction
[+nt] Welcome to the Indonesia Touhou Gaming! Please enjoy your stay. We also have discord server https://sanae.reisen/discord Do follow us in our Facebook Link for more Events Information : https://www.facebook.com/groups/635560289910512/ '. By the way, we are also affiliated with the channel #MalaysianTouhouBrigade
[+ntr] 8,0/0,8/7,8/8,7/4,7/7,4/5,4/4,5/ M U S I C4,5 \5,4\7,4\4,7\8,7\7,8\0,8\8,0\ | Join Us & Follow, #Gaming 3,3_0,0_4,4_ 11,11_0,0_11,11_ 4,4_8,8_4,4_ 12,12_0,0_4,4_ 2,2_8,8_4,4_
[+nrt] Gaming Guardians Ops Channel| Possible Op rules to think about: Be plain & clear with reminders & warnings, & maybe try to be polite. Moral highground good. 3rd party suggestion: Bold &/or color in red Op warnings to get attention/differ from normal text so not lost in scrolling.
[+ntz] The channel for the Secure Sockets Layer Master Race - We're better than you because we use encryption :D | If you want to join this channel, simply connect to IRC using a secure (SSL) connection. Or use https://webchat.fastlizard4.org. | If you're offended by the channel name, sorry. See http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/the-glorious-pc-gaming-master-race
[+ntz] The channel for the Secure Sockets Layer Master Race - We're better than you because we use encryption :D | If you want to join this channel, simply connect to IRC using a secure (SSL) connection. Or use https://webchat.fastlizard4.org. | If you're offended by the channel name, sorry. See http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/the-glorious-pc-gaming-master-race