Official Tent protocol discussion channel | https://tent.io | https://github.com/tent | http://librelist.com/browser/tent.dev/ | tent.dev@librelist.com | https://botbot.me/freenode/tent/ | May Office Hours recording: https://tent.io/officehours/2014-05-13
RepRapPro support channel. RepRapPro staff will be here to help during UK office hours, and sometimes at other times too. For official help outside of those hours, email support (at) reprappro (dot) com. Alternatively, other users are usually very helpful, and there are more of them in the #emaker channel
"it should be broken but I tested it pretty thoroughly" - mukunda | "do you often feel like your brain runs in a Docker container?" "breather space is where darth vader has his office" - liw | "in terms of level of abstraction, I cannot tell if this is too highlevel or too low-level for our use case. Both somehow." "will this cat be remote friendly?" - thcipriani
#cz.oldbies 1Welcome to #cZ.oldbies #cZ.iL � Condition Zero Israel oldbies Channel � www.cZero.co.il � Since (2004) � Anti-Cheat: Cheat-Defender. 4to download the game + cfg and crack : http://f2h.nana10.co.il/dtkch3pe4ll8
[+mntrMR] 15,2 ~ Office for the Keepers of The_Warriors_Hand ~ ~Please register for the Forum http://warriorshand.boards.net/ - and check it for discussions and messages, we are using the forum like we used Vancius for messages in the old home :-) ~
[+nt] Welcome to the Office, a coworking chat for everyone. Change nickname with "/nick XXX" where XXX=the name you want. Rules: http://bogkingdom.com/officerules || <patcoet> Being tired is great. I can't get enough of it. If possible I'd like to be more tired.
[+Pknt <key>] The Office of the RP Mods, for discussion of the RP, Suggestions, complaints, and a place to talk and consult the Keeper of Time, Alrai. Just gonna stick this here, for RP-ers with darker intentions, send 'em to #ponyville-ooc . Sethisto's real mask is ph.cox.net
[+CFPTfjnrtx 5:60 30:5 5:1 10:5] 2:48:13 PM <Wincil> She's a crack up
[+CFTfjntx 5:60 30:5 5:1 10:5]
[+ntr] https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/dstdlCra
[+nt] https://www.reddit.com/r/netsec/comments/ci50n8/v8_infoleak_errorpreparestacktrace_allows/ #crack