Welcome to the Arch Linux community. This is a space to learn and try new things, without fear of ridicule. | RULES: https://archlinux-newbie.github.io/rules/ | The Arch community expects users to do the research before asking questions, please check the wiki and news before posting here. | libxfont is no longer in the repos, remove it from your system
sidux is dead http://sidux.com/index.php?module=News&func=display&sid=616 :: welcome on the other side :: http://aptosid.com/ :: http://aptosid.com/index.php?module=news&func=display&sid=2 :: #aptosid
Welcome to #DALnetNews .:. [Servers: 39] .:. Current News: 1) #HelpDesk becomes 'recommended' help channel again 2) XPsycho/Brandon now SRA (Root Admins) .:. Priyanka/strax made CSOp .:. chalcedony made IRCOp Sara_Ks, Robdgreat (koala.*) .:. Latest Server Bitcoin.* .:. New Server fidelity.* Admin sps
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Welcome to the OpenSSL Project! - v1.0.2b is now available, including bug and security fixes. UPDATE NOW! https://www.openssl.org/news/secadv_20150611.txt
[+nt] °²º¤佬«.,¸_¸,.»¬=椺²°` WELCOME`°²º¤佬«.,¸_¸,.»¬=椺²°`commands bot : !trivia - !news - !ansa - !country ( ex: !country SP ) - Bot again on work
Welcome to Al Jazeera Satellite Channel, now known as AJA, was launched on 1 November 1996 following ( https://www.aljazeera.com/ news from around the world )
Welcome to #eveningstar, a channel for you asset class traders. We discuss fundamental and technical analysis, feel free to ask for advice on a trade you want to execute :: To use the stockbot see documentation via ;;help :: General stock command ;;q [symbol] :: #marketdata for a live feed on market news and earning announcements. :: #marketdata.btc for a live feed on bitcon news.
Register and identify with NickServ to participate in chat (/msg NickServ help register) | Welcome to /r/CFB IRC! Visit http://reddit.com/r/cfb for game threads, news, & discussion! | Don't be a jerk! | To change names: /nick NAME | Type !whatson for current games | http://gameviewingguide.com/
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We came, we read, we conquered. Not necessarily in that order. | Don't use an alarm clock. Be comprehensively alarmed. | #finestfiction http://www.themanbookerprize.com/news/man-booker-prize-announces-2015-longlist| http://www.andotherstories.org/
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42,15Homepage: http://letsbaron.de 4~~2 Status: Botbefehle: http://bot.letsbaron.de/befehle.php 4~~2 B-day: Keiner 4~~2 Partner: #Georgy - #Katzenkorb 4~~2 Radio: HSR :) 4~~2 News: ChannelStats - http://letsbaron.de/IRC/letsbaron.php
[+CFTfjnrtx 5:60 30:5 5:1 10:5] the "back room" for #news "shills", accessible to /r/news mods, #news OPs, and other special contributors. Use for semi-private discussion about the reddit/irc, and to talk to #news regulars when #news is high traffic | http://i.imgur.com/u1s5PTA.png | Metal is bad
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[+ntz] this channel is a copy of #newsflash which deals with torrent updates from #news
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